Some of Your Favorite SFF TV and Movie Adaptations in the Works.. A ‘small’ List

  Sometime earlier in the month we heard news about The Wheel of Time tv show. Well, I decided to do some digging and came up with a list of some Sci-Fi and Fantasy books that are currently in the works, either as Tv shows, or as movies. The success of Game of Thrones has led many showrunners …

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Who is your favorite character in the book you are reading RIGHT NOW?

Hello there, yes you. Don't click away now. You might as well finish what you started. lol. Anyway, I've got a question for you guys. Who is your favorite character in the book you are reading right now, and why? I'll go first: Book: The Blade Itself Author: Joe Abercrombie Character: Jezal dan Luthar Why? …

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